• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

CBEST Writting Test 作文考试11篇真题范文


Sep 3, 2023 #CBEST

本文是CBEST Writting Test 作文考试11篇真题范文, 如果大家想查阅关于CBEST Writting Test 作文考试的攻略及最新作文真题(Prompts),请参阅本站另一篇文章CBEST Writting Test 作文考试攻略及最新作文真题(Prompts)

1. Memories or a memory about a person and how it is still in your mind

Among the vivid landscapes of my memories, one image remains etched in the corridors of my mind – a memory of my grandfather and the profound wisdom he shared with me. This memory stands as a testament to the enduring impact of a person’s words and the way they can shape our understanding of the world. In this essay, I will delve into the intricacies of this cherished memory, sharing the details of the moment and the reasons why it continues to resonate with me.

The memory transports me to my childhood, when I would often spend summers at my grandparents’ quaint cottage by the countryside. One summer afternoon, I sat on the porch with my grandfather, my fingers tangled in the pages of a picture book. In the midst of idle chatter, I expressed my frustration at not grasping certain concepts in school. Grandfather paused, his eyes crinkling with a knowing smile, and shared a story from his own youth. He recounted a time when he struggled to learn how to ride a bicycle, falling countless times. With a serene gaze, he said, “Remember, learning is a journey, not a race. It is okay to stumble as long as you keep moving forward.”

The wisdom embedded in my grandfather’s words was like a seed planted in the garden in my mind. As the years rolled on, his simple yet profound message began to germinate. During moments of self-doubt and challenges, his words served as a compass, guiding me through uncertainties. For instance, when I faced academic setbacks in high school, I would remember the image of my grandfather’s resilience on that bicycle. His story became a metaphor for my own journey, reminding me that failure was not defeat, but a stepping stone towards growth.

The memory of that conversation with my grandfather has not faded with the passage of time; instead, it has grown stronger, its impact deepening as I navigate life’s twists and turns. As I stand on the cusp of adulthood, his wisdom continues to guide me. In moments of professional uncertainty or personal dilemmas. I draw strength from his words, understanding that the journey is a series of ups and downs. His message has instilled in me a resilience that transcends the immediate challenges, shaping my outlook on life with a perspective rooted in patience and determination.

The memory of my grandfather’s wisdom is a beacon that has illuminated my journey through life. His simple story and heartfelt advice have become pillars of strength, guiding me through uncertainties and reminding me of the value of perseverance. This memory endures not only because of its association with a beloved individual but also because of the timeless relevance of the message it carries. As I navigate the paths that lie ahead, I carry this memory as a cherished treasure, a testament to the lasting impact of a person’s words and the ways in which they continue to shape our perceptions and actions.


2. Describing a time that you have to overcome an obstacle, how did you do it and what happened in the end

Among the stories etched in the tapestry of my life, one memory radiates with a triumphant glow – a time when I confronted a formidable internal adversary, my fear of public speaking. This memory captures a journey of self-discovery and resilience, underscoring the transformative power of overcoming our most deeply ingrained anxieties. In this essay, I will recount the vivid specifics of this transformative journey, detailing the strategies I employed to conquer my public speaking anxiety and the profound outcome that awaited me at the podium. 

The memory takes me back to a pivotal moment during my college years, when I was required to deliver a presentation to my classmates. The mere thought of speaking in front of an audience ignited an immediate anxiety within me. Palms sweaty, heart racing, my mind envisioned every possible way I could stumble or falter. Public speaking has always been a challenge I had consistently avoided. But as the presentation date drew nearer, I recognized that conquering this fear was essential not only for my academic journey but also for my personal growth. 

Overcoming the public speaking anxiety was a multifaceted endeavour that required a fusion of preparation, perspective shift, and gradual exposure. To build a foundation of confidence, I immersed myself in thorough research and rehearsed my presentation. But beyond the words on the slides, I realised that conquering the anxiety was also about altering my perspective. Instead of viewing the audience as a judgemental panel, I started envisioning them as individuals eager to learn. Additionally, I employed the method of systematic desensitisation, starting with smaller conversations and gradually progressing to larger audience, adapting myself to the discomfort in manageable doses.

The triumph over public speaking anxiety was neither instantaneous nor linear, but a process marked with small victories. When the day of the presentation arrived, my heart still raced as I stood before the class. However, the preparation and perspective shifts I had practised began to take effect. With each word I uttered, the grip of anxiety loosened. The audience’s reactions were not scowls of judgement, but nods of interest. As I navigated through my presentation, a growing sense of empowerment washed over me. By the time I reached the conclusion, I stood taller, with a renewed sense of accomplishment.

The memory of conquering public speaking anxiety remains an emblem of my journey of personal growth and resilience. Through preparation, a change in perspective, and a gradual exposure to discomfort, I transformed a paralysing fear into a platform for empowerment. This experience is a lasting reminder that our deepest anxieties can be the crucibles for the most profound transformations. As I move forward, I carry this memory as a beacon reminding me that even the most formidable challenges within ourselves can be overcome with determination, preparations, and a shift in perspectives


3. A vocation/hobby that brings you inner harmony (serves as an outlet).

Among all the memorable experiences in my life, one vocation stands out radiating harmonious flow – the art of painting. This creative vocation has become my sanctuary, a realm where colours dance upon canvases and brushstrokes mirror the rhythms of my soul. In this essay, I will share the details of how painting has evolved into a harmonious outlet that brings me inner tranquillity, highlighting specific experiences that illuminate the transformative power of this creative endeavour.

My journey with painting began as a mere curiosity, a dabbling in colours and forms that gradually evolved into a profound artistic vocation. One particular experience stands out: a tranquil evening by a serene lake. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting its warm embrace upon the water, I was entranced by the interplay of light and shadow. Inspired,I picked up my paintbrush and attempted to capture the essence of the moment on canvas. This was a turning point that revealed the power of painting as a conduit for self-expression – a medium that allowed me to translate emotions and experiences into vibrant hues and captivating compositions.

As life’s complexities ebb and flow, I found solace in the act of painting as an emotional release. During times of stress or uncertainty, I retreated to my makeshift studio, where the very act of dipping a brush into paint becomes a cathartic ritual. There was a particular instance when I navigated through a period of profound loss and grief. The canvas became a mirror to my emotions, absorbing my sorrow and translating it into an evocative portrayal of nature in mourning. In each stroke, I found a semblance of healing, a visual representation of emotions that often eluded words. 

The canvas is not just a medium of expression; it is also a path to inner harmony and self discovery. A pivotal experience that encapsulates this journey occurred when I embarked on a series of abstract paintings. With each canvas, I allowed intuition to guide my brush, surrendering control to the flow of colours and forms. The process was liberating, akin to a dance between my emotions and the canvas. In this journey, I uncovered facets of my creativity that lay dormant, and I experienced a sense of inner alignment as the act of creation became an exploration of my own psyche

Painting, as my chosen creative vocation, has evolved beyond mere strokes on canvas. It is an immersive journey that brings me inner harmony, serving as an outlet for emotional release, and self-discovery. From capturing fleeting moments by the lake to using the canvas as an emotional transformation, each experience has enriched my understanding of the transformative power of art. As I continue my creative journey, I carry the memory of these moments as a testament to the profound connection between creative expression and inner peace – a harmonious sanctuary that colours my life with its vibrant hues. 


4. Talk about someone who has led you and explain how their guidance helped you.

As I embarked on a complex journey of personal and professional growth, one individual emerged as the guiding star who would shape my perspective in ways that I could never anticipate.  This exceptional influence in my life is none other than my mentor, whose profound guidance not only provided direction but also transformed my perspective. Through this essay, I will delve into the significant role my mentor played in my development, offering concrete examples of his guidance and the resulting impact on my life.

My mentor, a seasoned veteran in my chosen industry, brought forth a wealth of practical wisdom that textbooks and classrooms could never replicate. When I faced a significant challenge in my early career, my mentor’s advice turned the tide. I vividly remember the project that had me stumped; It was my mentor who walked through the intricacies, offering insights garnered from years of experience. His guidance wasn’t just about providing answers but teaching me how to think critically and approach problems with a strategic mindset. This lesson has stayed with me, enabling me to tackle complex problems head-on through my  career.

During a pivotal juncture when self doubt clouded my aspirations, my mentor’s unwavering support served as a pillar of strength. When I was hesitant about taking on a leadership role due to self-perceived inadequacies, my mentor shared a personal experience of their own struggles in a similar position. This transparent sharing of their journey not only dissolved my reservations but also ignited a spark of self-assurance within me. He believed in my potential even before I fully did it myself. This vote of confidence bolstered my courage, leading me to excel in the new role and ultimately fostered a deeper sense of self-belief that extended beyond the professional sphere.

Life’s crossroads can be bewildering, but my mentor’s guidance transformed them into opportunities for growth. When I faced a career-altering decision, torn between a secure yet unfulfilling job and a risky entrepreneurial venture. My mentor shared his own experiences of risks taken and lessons learned. Through their candid account, I realized that the fear of failure should not overshadow the potential rewards of daring to pursue my passion. This profound conversation shifted my perspective, leading me to embrace the uncertainty and embark on the entrepreneurial journey. Their guidance didn’t just impact my career choice; it reframed my outlook on life’s uncertainties, empowering me to welcome challenges as avenues for growth.

In my personal and professional life, my mentor’s influence shines as a radiant thread, intricately woven to shape the patterns of my journey. Through their practical wisdom, unwavering encouragement, and adept navigation of life’s forks in the road, they have not only guided my decisions but sculpted my character. From unravelling complex problems to bolstering my self-confidence and imparting the courage to embrace the unknown, my mentor’s impact has been profound and transformative. As I continue forward, armed with the lessons they’ve bestowed upon me, I am forever indebted for the concrete examples of guidance that have not only illuminated my path but illuminated the very essence of who I am today.


5. Describe a time in your life where you missed a great opportunity

Life unfolds in a series of crossroads, where decisions have the power to sculpt our futures. Among these pivotal moments, one incident still resonates vividly – a time when a promising job opportunity slipped through my fingers due to indecision. This memory, a blend of longing and regret, serves as a reminder of the significance of timely action. This essay delves into the details of this missed job opportunity, examining the circumstances that led to it and the tangible lessons I have carried forward.

My journey into the corporate world was at its dawn, and the allure of a dynamic job offer shone like a beacon. A multinational company, known for its innovation and growth, had an opening that perfectly matched my skill set and aspirations. The role offered exposure to cutting-edge projects, a chance to collaborate with industry leaders, and a promising career growth. As I perused the job description, excitement coursed through me, envisioning the opportunities that awaited in this new chapter.

Despite the potential this opportunity held, a web of doubt began to weave itself around me. The application process required a compelling cover letter showcasing my achievements and an articulation of how I could contribute to the company’s goals. As I attempted to draft the letter, I found myself questioning the weight of my achievements and whether they were noteworthy enough. The fear of inadequacy loomed large, leading to procrastination. Days turned into weeks, and as I mulled over every word, the application deadline slipped by unnoticed, leaving me with a sense of missed potential.

In the aftermath of this missed opportunity, reflection became my guiding light. While the weight of regret was palpable, the experience fueled my growth in unexpected ways. I understood that self-doubt had a tangible cost – the cost of a missed chance at professional growth and a new trajectory. This realisation became a catalyst for change. I vowed to approach future opportunities with a proactive mindset, valuing the present over perfection. This shift in perspective not only guided my career choices but also extended to personal pursuits, spurring me to overcome the paralysis of overthinking.

Life’s journey is a blend of decisions made and opportunities missed, each leaving an indelible mark. The missed job opportunity that forms a chapter in my story has been etched with both regret and resilience. It taught me that hesitating due to self doubt is a disservice to our potential. Though I carry the weight of that missed chance, I also carry the transformative lesson that action, even when marred by uncertainty, is the catalyst for progress. As I navigate through the chapters yet to be written, I hold onto the wisdom born from that moment, reminding myself that life’s tapestry is woven with threads of courage, and seizing the moment often leads to the most remarkable chapters of all. 


6. Talk about a school experience

Among the chapters of my school life, one memory shines brightly – a time when I collaborated with classmates on a challenging group project that not only tested our academic skills but also forged lasting bonds of teamwork and friendship. This experience is a testament to the transformative potential of collective effort and shared goals. In this essay, I will recount the specifics of this memorable school experience, delving into the challenges we faced and the sense of accomplishment we achieved through collaborative synergy.

The memory takes me back to a high school history class, where the teachers assigned a research project on a significant historical event. We were tasked with examining various facets of the event and presenting our findings in a cohesive manner. As my group members and I gathered to discuss our approach, it became clear that our diverse strengths could synergize into something remarkable. Despite the initial excitement, there was a challenge –  coordinating schedules, merging ideas, and aligning visions was no small feat. However, this was an opportunity to learn the art of compromise and communication.

Navigating group dynamics presented its own set of challenges. Opinions clashed, ideas diverged, and tensions simmered beneath the surface. One particular instance that stands out was a disagreement regarding the project’s focus. Instead of allowing discord to fracture our team, we chose to engage in open dialogue. We held a facilitated discussion where each member’s view point was respected and considered. This experience wasn’t just about achieving consensus; it was a lesson in the importance of active listening and finding common ground, even amidst differing perspectives.

The ultimate triumph lay not just in the completion of the project, but in the sense of unity we had forged through collaboration. Each member brought unique strengths to table, contributing research, visuals and critical analysis. The day of the presentation was a culmination of our collective efforts. As we stood before our classmates and teacher, the nervous energy was tempered by a sense of camaraderie. Our seamless presentation and dynamic interactions showcased the bonds we had built. The applause that followed wasn’t just for our academic achievement; it was a celebration of teamwork and the tangible result of our combined dedication.

The memory of this collaborative group project remains a vivid testament to the power of teamwork and shared goals in the realm of education. It taught me that school experiences are not merely about individual performance; they provide opportunities to foster teamwork, communications, and compromise – skills that are integral to success beyond academics. Through challenges, compromises, and shared triumphs, I learned that collaboration is a dynamic journey that demands patience, open-mindedness, and a willingness to contribute to a collective vision. As I continue my educational journey, I carry this memory as a reminder that the bonds of teamwork can transform challenges into stepping stones towards achievement.

7. A story about someone who have changed their perspective on a situation or outlook

Among the memorable experiences in my life, one memory shines brightly – the story of a person who underwent a profound transformation in their outlook. In this essay, I will recount the details of this individual journey, delving into their initial perspective, the catalyst for change, and the far reaching impact it had on their life.

The story begins with a friend named Alex, who once held an unwavering conviction that success was synonymous with a prestigious job and financial prosperity. This perspective was rooted in societal expectations and reinforced by familial pressures. Alex’s pursuits were narrowly guided by this viewpoint, as they embarked on a career path that seemed to promise material wealth and status. However, this perspective limited Alex’s capacity for self-discovery, overshadowing potential avenues for growth beyond the confines of societal norms.

The pivotal moment of change arrived unexpectedly through a volunteering experience at a local community center. Engaging with individuals from diverse backgrounds and stories. Alex was exposed to narratives of struggle, resilience, and human connections.  A conversation with an elderly woman named Clara, who had lived a life filled with modesty and compassion, served as a profound revelation. Through Clara’s eyes, Alex saw the beauty in simplicity and the impact of empathy. This encounter ignited a journey of introspection, prompting Alex to question the values that had governed their pursuits thus far.

Alex’s transformation from a materialistic perspective to one rooted in empathy marked a significant shift. The pursuit of external validation gave way to an exploration of internal fulfilment and genuine connections. Alex sought opportunities to give back to the community and engaged in endeavors that aligned with their newfound perspective. This shift reinforced the relationship as well; friendship deepened as Alex became a compassionate listener, empathy to the stories and struggle of others. The impact of the transformed outlook extended to the career realm, where Alex sought positions aligned with personal values and the desire to make a positive impact.

The journey of Alex’s changed perspective serves as a vivid reminder of the transformative potential within each of us. It underscores the importance of challenging deeply ingrained belief, opening ourselves to new experiences, and embracing empathy as a guiding principle. Through Alex’s story, I am reminded that our perspectives are not fixed; they can expand, evolve, and redefine the paths we tread. As we navigate life’s intricate tapestry, we are invited to view the world through new lenses, illuminating avenues for growth, connections, and an enriched human experience. 


8. Explaining the time when you take a risk and how it turns out

Life is woven with moments that beckon us to take daring leaps into the unknown. Among the chapters of my own journey, there exists a memory that glimmers like a guiding star – a time when I summoned the courage to embrace risk, despite the uncertainty that lay ahead. In this essay, I will recount the details of that choice and unveil the transformative outcome that was borne from it, weaving together a narrative of personal growth and triumph.

The memory that stands out like a beacon centres around a career decision that bore the weight of potential change. In the midst of a stable job, I found myself yearning for something more, an avenue that would challenge my boundaries and expand my horizons. An opportunity arose to join a pioneering startup, a venture that held the promise of innovation and growth. It was a proposition that simultaneously ignited excitement and sparked apprehension. Nevertheless, driven by the desire to grasp the unknown, I decided to venture down this uncharted path. 

As I immersed myself in the startup environment, I was thrust into a whirlwind of challenges and rapid changes. The atmosphere was electric with ambition, but it also demanded adaptability beyond what I had encountered before. The early days were a series of sleepless nights, complex problem-solving, and countless learning opportunities. Doubts would occasionally creep in, questioning the rationale behind my decision to embrace such a risky endeavour. Yet, with every challenge surmounted and every milestone achieved, a sense of accomplishment emerged, fortifying my belief in the potential of this leap.

Over the time, the seeds of my risk began to sprout into a lush garden of accomplishment. The startup, which had started as a mere idea, transformed into a thriving enterprise. My role evolved, allowing me to contribute to its growth on multiple fronts. The risks I had taken were not without setbacks, but each setback was a stepping stone to resilience. The culmination of hard work, dedication, and a willingness to embrace the unknown bore fruit in the form of both personal and professional success. The startup’s rise symbolized my own journey of transformation, marked by the audacity to seize opportunities and conquer challenges.

The memory of taking that leap of faith continues to radiate in my mind as a testament to the transformative power of risk. The startup, once a gamble, evolved into a triumph that reshaped my career journey and broadened my understanding of my own capabilities. This experience taught me that embracing risk is not a recklessness, but a calculated step towards growth. It solidified the notion that within the uncertain lies the canvas upon which our boldest achievements are painted. As I move forward, I carry this memory as a beacon, reminding me that the art of taking risks can lead to the most profound and unexpected triumphs.


9. Talk about a piece of art that has changed your point of view, helped you to understand other point of view

The movie “Braveheart” stands as a cinematic masterpiece that profoundly altered my perspective and facilitated a deeper understanding of differing viewpoints. This epic historical drama, directed by and starring Mel Gibson, recounts the life of William Wallace and his quest for scottish independence from English rule in the 13th century. Through its captivating storytelling and exploration of complex characters, “Braveheart” provided me with invaluable insight into the nature of patriotism, sacrifice, and the struggle for freedom

The character of William Wallace serves as a focal point for understanding an alternative viewpoint. His unwanting commitment to his country’s liberation exposes me to the intensity of patriotic fervor and lengths individuals might go to protect their cultural identity. Watching Wallace’s determination, even in the face of immense challenges, instilled in me a sense of respect for the diverse motivations that drive people to resist oppression and advocate for self-determination.

“Braveheart” is replete with contrasting perspectives, particularly in its portrayal of English and Scottish characters. The portrayal of Edward I, the English king, highlights the complexities of power dynamics and the motives behind colonialism. Through his character, I gained a glimpse into the rationale of imperial forces, recognizing that individuals on both sides of conflicts might believe they are acting for the greater good, despite differing ideologies. 

The emotional impact of “Braveheart” further expanded my empathy for different viewpoints. The film’s tragic events, including the deaths of loved ones and the toll of war, emphasize human suffering. This realization deepened my understanding of the human cost of conflict and inspired me to approach historical and contemporary events with a more compassionate lens, considering the broader implication for all those affected.

The movie’s portrayal among the scottish clans underscores the importance of community and shared goals. Wallace’s ability to unite diverse groups under a common cause demonstrated the strength of solidarity and its potential to transcend divisions.  This aspect of the film encouraged me to seek common ground in my interactions with others, striving to understand their motivations and aspirations, even when they differ from my own.

In conclusion, the movie Braveheart has been a transformative piece of art that enriched my perspective and deepended my comprehension of alternative viewpoints. Through its portrayal of patriotism, sacrifice, power dynamics and unity, the film enabled me to recognize the multifaceted nature of historical events and the diverse motivations that drive individuals and societies. The powerful cinematic experience instilled in me a greater sense of empathy, encouraging me to approach discussions and interactions with an open heart and willingness to understand the complexities of human experiences.

10. Whether high school students should take a after school job

There is a great deal of controversy among parents as to whether or not their children should hold a paying job while in high school. Some parents believe that working while in school is a valuable experience; others believe that the importance of good grades supersedes any value that a job might offer. I think that working while in school can be very beneficial to students and provide them with skills that might enhance their formal education like time management, a work ethic, and pride in work.

Life is not all about study, but it is important to learn how to balance activities and obligations to be a responsible adult. The lesson of time management is an essential part of this learning experience. It is an invaluable lesson to learn how much time it takes to manage priorities and when to reduce work responsibilities. When I secured my first job in high school, I began to realise the importance of using my time wisely because I had less of it to throw around. The experience of working not only helped me make important decisions about time management, it also helped me to learn how to manage money.

Another benefit of working in high school is that students can develop a work ethic which can be applied to their academic schooling, or any task that they choose. Understanding the importance of working hard, doing a good job, and being responsible are skills that are assets to any endeavor. Students often develop increased confidence from being counted on to get something done and then rising to that challenge. 

Additionally, learning to take pride in one’s work is important to success. When a person cares about something, it is often reflected in performance. Academic success largely depends on this same kind of pride and confidence.

In conclusion, I don’t believe that after-school or weekend jobs hinder a student from receiving good grades. However, I also believe that students have a right to choose what works best to succeed in school. Some students feel that they can not handle the responsibilities of working, while others are able to establish success in the workplace and at school. Although there are many advantages to working while in school, it is important to take into account each unique person.


11. Whether we should “back to basics”

As a principal in the district, I have seen many educational movements come and go. Some are worthy of the attention given to them, and others should be ignored because of their devastating impact on the educational system. One such movement that falls into this category is the “back to basics” movement. Its proponents argue that education should concentrate on reading, writing, and math skills and completely ignore such courses as drama, art appreciation, and physical education, as well as music, dance, psychology, and computer technology. I am against the “back to basics” movement because it inhibits creativity, fails to recognize the importance of arts, and restricts the curriculum

The enhancement of creative thinking and reasoning is fundamental to the advantage of learning. That is why school districts have adopted Common Core Standards that emphasize critical reasoning skills. However, to create, invent, or explore, students also need not only to have freedom of thought, but exposure and application of creativity to all areas of the curriculum. To concentrate only on reading, writing, and math would restrict thinking to a narrow focus. The future of our society needs critical thinkers who can create the widest spectrum of ideas to be able to meet the challenges of our world.

The “back to basics” supporters also fail to see that a restrictive curriculum of only math, reading, and writing fails to support the many advancements made in our culture by those whose first exposure to art, drama, or psychology took place in the schools. Great artists have changed the way people see the world; great actors have influenced the world through their stories; and great psychologists have helped us understand human behavior and relationships. Changes in society and culture have all been a result of a well-rounded educational system that includes arts.

Finally, the “back to school” supporters have a narrow view of well-rounded educational programs. “Basics” by definition, means that essential knowledge is needed to support children in order for them to complete and survive in society. The “back to basics” movement is an attempt to take education back to a time that has long since passed. The narrow focus of the movement overlooks the integrative value of reading, writing, and math throughout all of the curriculum areas and especially the arts.

The “back to basics” issue a sad attempt to restrict the information that children experience. It will stifle creativity in areas on which our society is dependent. So, as a district principal, I hope that those of you on the school board continue to support an education for the future – an education that defines the basics as those curriculum areas beyond reading, writing and math. We must meet the future with an education that includes art, drama, psychology and other programs like music, dance, physical education, and computer technology. 

By admin

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