[免抽签H1b]如何找非盈利机构的工作( H-1B cap-exempt non-profit employer)

今天给大家整理了拿H1b一条免抽签的道路—寻找非盈利机构雇主。 什么是H-1B cap-exempt non-profit employer 免抽签的H-1B 类别 (Cap-Exempt)—不受配额限制,可以全年随时递交H-1B申请,批准后H-1B身份立即生效。 USCIS的原话(链接)是:“Additionally, H-1B workers who are petitioned for or employed at an institution of higher education or its affiliated or related nonprofit entities, a nonprofit research organization, or a government research organization, are not subject to this numerical cap.” 非盈利机构具体包含哪些? 1. 高等教育机构 (Institutions of higher education),不包括小学和中学教育机构 2. 高等教育机构附属的非盈利机构 … Continue reading [免抽签H1b]如何找非盈利机构的工作( H-1B cap-exempt non-profit employer)